Amazing VIP Services-Corp
 Miami Florida
Marketing Alternative Advertising 

We are a Small Business to take our commitment to an ethical work environment seriously.
 Our team of bilingual professionals shows solid academic and strong backgrounds in area of marketing, advertisement and promotion product services with the ability the launch the brand the product or services into the coveted America Latin market.

Our overall objectives:
        ·          We are working on project to design blog for their own marketing and advertising
        ·          We make advertising and publicity campaign on social networks
        ·          Also we are a network of affiliated greater scope.

Knowledgeable about technology and changes in business models with new strategies in marketing innovation and extraordinary tools that offer ay about Blogs and Social Media can move the most important purpose of creating a business that develop a strong relationship with consumers and business from a local regions to online promotions and highly complex and general services that apply to millions of users. 

What you need know?

o   We are a marketing advertising agency
o   We are public representation
o   We work  with our clients  to produce real solutions  that complement  business model
o   We being flexible and helping clients, we understand you valuable participation during the entire process as much as you want to, is the most effective, efficient and quality to approach successful projects.


What we do? 

 Online Marketing Social Media

 Online Marketing Internet strategies

*     Internet advertising solutions
*     Design blogs
*     Content writing
*     Market research

Web Banners & Links advertising

ü  Feed Burner
ü  Publicize your Feed
ü  Google AdSense
ü  Google Adwords
ü  Google Places
ü  Affiliate networks marketing
ü  Amazon associate or affiliate